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30 Ekim 2017 Pazartesi

Exercise 4


We are required to make a relief representing the concept of hierarchy by using cylindrical shapes. We can use craft paper and news paper. font or size of the wrings on the news paper are also a design element for this organization. Cylinders can be used both horizontally and vertically. cylindrical shapes should be placed seamlessly on the cardboard.

26 Ekim 2017 Perşembe

Exercise 3

Dominance and Contrast

we are required to make a 2D composition with paper band on a black cardboard. paper band should span from the cardboard's edge to edge.

At panel discussion, I learned that I can;
  • Use one dominance idea
  • Make balance in asymmetric organization

23 Ekim 2017 Pazartesi

Exercise 2/4

Repetition and Variation-4

Given: Any numbers of rectangular shapes, triangles, parallelograms and circles.

In the last part of repetition and variation exercises, with using the given shapes as design elements, we made a 2D design organization on a black cardboard (31,5*41cm). Element dimensions, proportions, color and number of shapes depend on us.

19 Ekim 2017 Perşembe

Exercise 2/2

Repetition and Variation-2

Given: 5 rectangles, 11 triangles, 7 parallelograms

With using the given shapes, we have to do another 2D design organization on a black cardboard (26,5*41cm). things to do are the same as previous exercise. 

We can only use single shade of grey. Thus, there are some identity losses. For cover all page, my elements are bigger than previous ones. But there are still flaws due to the scaling related to size difference between elements. Moreover, although groups are shrinking and following each other, 3 elements are randomly placed.

16 Ekim 2017 Pazartesi

Repeat of Exercise 2/1

  • I use more regular shapes.
  • I give more importance to the background.
  • Scaling, mirroring and repetitions are applied more.
Upper right corner of the design organization does not have a clear arrangement. There is no        easy-to-read order. 
Triangles have identity loss in some parts.

12 Ekim 2017 Perşembe

Exercise 2/1

Repetition and Variation

We selected 3 elements from our first exercise and used these in a 2D design on a black cardboard (26,5*41cm). In this design, we needed to repeat and vary these elements. the variation operations that we could apply include scaling, rotating and mirroring. 

  • The selection of the parts is not an arbitrary act. So we should choose elements that can be compatible each other.
  • All design activities have to follow a consistent and clear process. An organization must have a certain order. 
  • We are responsible for the design of the whole design field.We must make an organization for whole design field. 
Our design field is also one of our design elements. It is not just a field we put it the elements. Shapes that emerged in the design field must be repeated.

9 Ekim 2017 Pazartesi

Exercise 1

In this exercise's first phase, we were required to walk around the faculty building and take several photographs. By using monochorome filter, we transformed photographs to a greyscale mode. From these photos, we selected one that contains all tonal values of grey and printed it out on an A3-size paper. 

Here, there are some of my photographs.

In phase 2, we were required to create an abstract mapping of our image cardboard by using lines. 

It was my studio work. Things I did wrong are using abstract objects and not omit some details.
